Brando ZHANG
🧑🏻‍🎓 MSCS@USC | 🧑🏻‍💻 Ex-Effect RD@TikTok/ByteDance

I’m now an M.S. Computer Science student in the University of Southern California.
Previously, I interned in TikTok/ByteDance and later in Ant/Alibaba, researching Generative Models under the supervision of Dr. Yujun Shen and Ceyuan Yang. We released a PyTorch-based deep learning framework and developed algorithms that power a visual filter to be the most popular one by May 2022.
Before USC, I received my B.E. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. I researched on Single-View Reconstruction, 3D Modeling, Generative Models, and Deep Learning there and was advised by Prof. Xiaoguang Han.

Research Interests

My research interests are in Modeling, Animation and Human-Computer Interaction. I am committed to promoting the development of AR/VR related technologies and visual effects to reshape the way we interactive with the world.

Selected Work/Illustration

One-Shot Generative Domain Adaptation (GenDA)

GenDA Teaser

GenDA is a research project done during my internship in TikTok/ByteDance. This work aims at transferring a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) pre-trained on one image domain to a new domain referring to as few as just one target image. Our method demonstrates substantial improvements over existing baselines in a wide range of settings.

[Paper] [Code]

C++ 3D Graphics Render

Rotation Sample

Implemented an OpenGL-like lightweight library that supports the complete model-to-image rendering pipeline.


Cloud-based Restaurant Recommender System

Cloud-based Restaurant Recommender System Screenshot

This is a screenshot of our project demo in Cloud Computing (lectured by Prof. Kai HWANG). We utilized PySpark to implement Alternating Least Square (ALS) method to train and test a restaurant recommender system on 6 million Yelp reviews on AWS EMR and S3.


Breakfast Poster

This is one of my favorite illustrations, which is designed for an activity calling for students to get up early for a breakfast. The word “早点来吧” is a pun for “Get up early” and “Let’s have a breakfast”. The home baker pays tribute to the idea of “Memory Bread“ in Doraemon.


This is the logo designed for Sailboat Test Arena (STAr) project. The Big Dipper implies the our object is to guide SailBots while echos to “star”, the abbreviation of this project.